One Wall: Technical Skills

Hi everyone!

Today we are going to talk about the technique that is used to play One Wall.

Kin - Ball: Technical skills

Hello bloggers!

In this section we are going to talk about technical skills in Kin-Ball.

Let's distinguish the two main actions of the game: the throw (serve) and the reception.

Technical skills

Hi guys, what's up?

During this week we will talk about technical skills in our sports that we are publishing in this blog.

We hope that you may find interesting this post.

See you soon.

Clothing and material

First of all whe have to know why it is important to protect our hands?
  • Some players when they hit wrongly the ball they injured their hands and for this reason they couldn't play during the season.
  • Many players see as in cold weather, some of their fingers stay white and blood doesn't circulate through them (Raynaud's Syndrome)
  • They fingers break sometimes.
What we need for doing our protections?

Clothing and material.

Glove: For the modality of "Raspall" it is necessary make a glove that will carry the following materials:

- 1 vinyl glove (from the hand with which you will perform the beating).
- 1 roll of 10 cm of adhesive tape.
- 0.5 m Tesamoll.
- A deck of cards.
- 1 white cardboard (to draw our protections).
- 1 scissors.
- 1 bottle of hard plastic.

Optional: if we can find 4 leather thimbles specific to the "Raspall" modality, much better.


Balls: of all the types of balls that there are of the different modalities of “pelota valenciana”, we can emphasize that only for this modality in particular we would use the ball of “vaqueta”, although nowadays for the price that is worth a ball of “vaqueta” is beginning to use the balls of tanned leather (red and black, which are specific to the "Raspall" mode).

The sports luggage consists of a short T-shirt and white shorts. Advertising printing is allowed.
The local teams will go red and the visitors will be blue, but the two will coincide with wearing white shorts.


-   APUNTES PILOTA VALENCIANA 3oESO : 1 . La Pilota Valenciana como deporte tradicional : (1994).
-    Educaci, R., Profesor, S., Gandia, B., Valenciana, P., Valenciana, L. P., Valenciana, C., … Romano, I. (1994). La pilota valenciana.

Rules of Pelota Valenciana


Material Tamburello

The evolution of this sport has been marked by the developement of the material used, during the course of the years it has evolved from the animal skin in its origins to plastics or synthetic cloth at present. 

As we already know, the Tamburello is a sport of implement-ball in which two teams face using tambourines (tamburellos) and battoirs or mandolins (special for the serve), all of them are racket-like striking instruments, but with a stretched cloth instead of a string, and the striking point being much closer to the hand than in a tennis racket for example, which facilitates learning. 

The ball: 

It is red or white, rubber, and is 6.1 cm in diameter and 7.8 grams in weight. We can find two types: 

  • Slow: low pressure.
  • Fast: used for large field competitions. 

The tamburello: 

It has a circular shape, and measures between 24 and 28 cm in diameter. Formerly it was made of wood and nowadays it is made of plastic reinforced by a copper thread on which a synthetic fabric is tensed (formerly it was made with animal skin) that allows hitting the ball.

The grip is made by a leather grip.

The "battoirs" shovel

It measures 18 cm in diameter and the handle measures between 70 and 100 cm. 

Currently, its use has been abandoned since it is complex and few players know how to use it properly, which is why few specialist players continue to use it.

The "mandoline"shovel

It is similar to tamburello but with a shape similar to a drop of water and the grip is located at the narrowest end. 

It is used only for the serve and allows to reach further with greater ease and effect on the ball. 

Its use in France is scarce while in Italy it is used more frequently.

One Wall: Clothing and material


Kin - Ball: Clothing and material

Hello again!

In this week's section we are going to talk about clothing and material in Kin-Ball.

During the match, each team wears a bib overall of a different color. Gray and black are always fixed, while the third color varies between blue or pink. 

Clothing and material

Hello dear bloggers!

During this week, we will be publishing information about two relevant factors in game's development: clothing and material.

We hope you find it interesting and learn something new at the same time.

Let's go for it!

The rules of Tamburello

The Tamburello is a team sport of divided court playing 5 vs 5 (open air) or 3 vs 3 (indoor).

It is a sport that is played on smooth terrain from ground or asphalt, but also can play indoor adapting its rules of procedure.
Then we are going to the measures of the track, the shovel and the ball.

The shovel measures:

It has a diameter of 28 cm and there are two types: a for the throw-off (“battoirs” or “mandoline”), and another for the game.

The ball measures:

It weighs 78 grams and measuring 6.1 cm in diameter
While the outdoor ball is rubber, and hardest, indoor ball is similar to a tennis court but with less pressure

The field measures:
  • Outdoor Tamburello: 80m long and 18m wide (or 20)
  • Indoor Tamburello: 34m long and 6m wide

In both cases, the field is separated by a line called "basse" or "corde". Lines which limit the land are part of the same and measure 10 cm wide.

At Tamburello indoor the lines are in the same way as in Outdoor but adding two lines more each in a field located 2 m from "corde".  These lines mark the area that the opposing team must overcome to make the throw to be valid. 

Rules of the game:
  • The score of the game is counted in the following way: 15, 30, 40, 50 = Game.
  • The winning team will be the best 13 games.
  • Teams change field every three games
  • The throw-in is always done from the bottom line, must go beyond the midfield line, and only allows a boat in the field.

Knowing that the ball can be returned with one fell swoop by team, it loses a point if:
  • The ball is not returned to the opposite field.
  • The ball lands outside the limits of the land.
  • The ball touches the central line
  • Any player touches the ball with another part of the body that is not the forearm that holds the “tamburello”
  • Two players of the same team are touching the ball consecutively.
  • If a player enters the opposite field.
  • If the server touches the baseline or penetrates into the field during the service.

One Wall's Rules


Hi there!

Now it's time to talk about the one wall's rules.
To begin, we will talk about the dimensions of the court. One wall is a sport with some specific characteristics and the dimensions of the court for official matches are:

  • "Frontis" : 6,10m (Wide) and 4,90m (High)
  • Ground of the court: 6,10m (Wide) and 10,6m (Long)
  • The service line: It will be at 4,9m from the "Frontis" and the game area will be between the "Frontis" and the bottom line of the court.

On the other hand, let's talk now about the rules of the game:

  1. It is drawn at the start of each game and when team loses the point, the opposing team will execute the serve.
  2. If the match is in pairs, when a pairs recovers the serve, the teammate who didn't execute the serve the last time, will be in charge of executing the serve now.
  3. Before serving the ball, this it has to bounce once on the ground and when bounces of the wall it has to pass the serve's line because if doesn't, it is considered lack of service. Conversely, if the serve is good, the other time has to hit the ball once it has bounced and if it doesn't, it will be lose the point.

  1. The matches are played in two sets of 21 points each. If there is a tie to sets, a third set will be played at 11 points and again the serve will be drawn.

  1. The ball bounces twice on the ground before hitting.
  2. The ball doesn't hit the frontis.
  3. The ball bounces off of the court.
  4. The ball hits the part of the body of a player other than the hand.
  5. The player fails to hit the ball.

Well. For now these have been some small rules about One Wall but with wich you can start to play correctly. Soon we will post more information about other aspects related to this sport so fun. 

I hope you like it and see you in the next post!

Don't forget to comment if you want us post something about a specific topic.

Kin - Ball: Game's rules

Hi again!

In this week's section we are going to talk about the game's rules.

The game itself is based on a system of serve and reception, in which the team that takes out and, therefore, has possession, has to organize what is known as "tripod": the ball is held by three of the team members, while the fourth is responsible for hitting it -never down to give the other team the possibility of receiving it- without taking it between the arms, and using any part of the body above the hip (contact with the legs it is only accepted in defensive phase). The minimum horizontal distance that the ball should fly in its displacement is 1.83 meters (72 inches approximately).

Before the strike occurs, the team that gets out must pronounce aloud the word "Omnikin" accompanied by the color of the team that must receive the ball. For example: "Black Omnikin!" All players participate in the throwing and defense, and if one team commits a foul, the other two receive a point in favor.

The reception of the ball must be achieved without the ball touching the ground or the limits of the playing area, including fixed obstacles inside the field. One, two, three or four players can receive the ball with any part of the body. The ball can never be caught by a single player. A trapping of the ball is considered when there is a complete immobilization with two body parts (hand-hand, foot-hand). This action is a foul and a point will be scored for non-infringing teams. 

The same thing happens if the attacking team throws the ball out of the field of play, in which case it is penalized by adding the other two teams one point.

If the reception is successful, the team have ten seconds to organize a new attack in which all its members must participate. 

The winner will be the team that previously manages to score 13 points, although if the time of game is over, the team that has scored the most points wins. If there is a tie between two or more teams, it will be drawn among the teams involved.

Through this scoring system, complemented by the fact that one team can’t call another that is two or more points below the scoreboard, what is sought is that no team is badly hurt, promoting more equal games in which all the participating teams have chances of winning until the end.

Good weekend and see you next week!

Rules of sports is comming

Hi everyone!

This week we will talk about rules of sports to learn a little more about their practice.

We hope this post will help you, don´t hesitate to ask if you need to know something in particular.

A greeting!

History of Pelota Valenciana PDF


History of Tamburello

The Tmburello is a former sport whose origins are lost in time. The Greeks and Romans ere great lovers of ball games. They have come down to us remains of "pila ludere", what you know how to "play the ball",

But in the Renaissance, with the Giuoco Treaty, we get the firs official information related to this emerging sport: with games like the "brazalete" "pallacorda" anda especially the "paleta" inwhich the ball is hit with a knife with a strip of leather around the handle.
Over time, the tool changes into a wooden frame on shich an animal skin stretche.
The game was ther alternative "poor" the game of the "brazalete", which provied a costly equipment and was reserved for the nobles.

In the mid-19th century, the Tamburello began its history agonistic, becoming popular in the province of Verona and Mantua, extending in 1850 to Liguria and Tuscany, and then to Piedmont and Lombardy.

In those years, the leathers used for tambourine were veal or pork, stretched on wooden frames; at the end of the century spread of horse skins (replaced by synthetic materials a few tens of years ago).
Balls, first were leather with a diameter of 38 mm and a weight of 50 grams, but were replaced from 1879 by the rubber.

However, the crucial year in the history of the Tamburello is the 1890, year in which is recognized, as a game, by the Federation of Gymnastics Italian (born 1869).
The first official Champinship was held in 1898; involve 4 teams, and it is won the company Nicolo Barabino of Genoa.

Not al were partakers of the Tamburello to become Olympic discipline.
In fact, in 1903, De Coubertin decided to organize the Olympic Games of 1908 in Rome, it was the first contacts with the King Vittorio Emanuelle and pope Pío X, that convinced him that idea was feasible.

The project of the gymnastic Federation provides as well (March 16, 1903) the presence of the Tamburello along with other 20 disciplines. The idea of the Roman Olympic Games fail, and with it, the Olympic dream of the Tamburello.
After 15 years, discipline revives the hope of at least entering squadron of demonstration sports at the Olympic Games in Amsterdam. The attempt does not succeed, however. 

In 1926, some Florentine fans had called on Italian sports clubs interested in the tamburello to found a Federation dedicated to this sport, to promote its development and promote the events, protecting and coordinating different companies and different player. 
On 14 November in Florence, are boards 39 major companies Tamburello, who founded the Federazione Italiana Gioco Tamburello, whit based in the Tuscan capital and being its first president Pietro Pucci.

The new body is appreciated and joined the Federation Pallone: FIPT, Italian Pallone and Tamburello Federation become the 33rd Federation of Coni. 

 After the results in Amsterdam, Mussolini, disappointed with the games for the lower than expected results, ade the President of Coni Ferretti replace Commissioner Augusto Turati, who, newly elected, will eoliminate some federations and abolish the FIPT.

After the war, in Bologna, has recovered the FIPT. Therefore, activities resumed with enthusiasm in Ovada, Verona, Milan and Genoa.
Thus, if in 82 the Tamburello was played only in intalia and France, today, has spread in most of Europe, America, Asia and Australia.

Today, the tamburello is culture and tradition, but also sport: challenging and spectacular.