Kin - Ball: Technical skills

Hello bloggers!

In this section we are going to talk about technical skills in Kin-Ball.

Let's distinguish the two main actions of the game: the throw (serve) and the reception.

-During the throwing phase, the ball can be hit or pushed with any part of the body above the hips. Contact with the feet is accepted only in defense (to raise).

The four team members must be in contact with the ball during the stroke. The referee will indicate a fault (a contact is missing) if during the serve this condition is not respected.

The ball's trajectory has to be horizontal or ascending at least somewhere in its path before touching the ground.

-Reception of the ball must be made without the ball touching the ground or the limits of the playing area, including fixed obstacles inside the field. One, two, three or four players can receive the ball with any part of the body.

The ball can not be received or retained by the fabric or the mouthpiece during the game.

Nor can a ball be imprisoned by a single player. A trapping of the ball is considered when there is a complete immobilization with two body parts (hand-hand, foot-hand).

We hope that the information has been interesting. Greetings and see you next week!

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