Kin - Ball: Clothing and material

Hello again!

In this week's section we are going to talk about clothing and material in Kin-Ball.

During the match, each team wears a bib overall of a different color. Gray and black are always fixed, while the third color varies between blue or pink. 

The color black represents the fight against racism, the gray the sport's will to expand around the world, and the pink, the integration of women.

Regarding the material, it should be noted that the following elements are needed for the development of the game:

-A ball that weighs less than one kilogram, but has a diameter of more than 1.20 meters (47.24 inches). This can be black, pink or white, as a general rule.

-An easy-to-watch chronometer for the spectators and all the people involved in the game.

-A sound generator that indicates the start and end of each period or match. This can be integrated into the watch or be completely independent (like a trumpet or a compressed air's hooter).

-A scoreboard, according to the rules of F.I.K.B. , easy to visualize for the public and all the people involved in the game.

-An inflation pump that follows the regulations of F.I.K.B. (in case of ball's deflation).

-A dice with 6 faces, identifying each of the official colors (each team is represented by two faces).

-An official record sheet of the F.I.K.B., which must be completed before, during and after the match.

Goodbye and see you next week!

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