One Wall's Rules


Hi there!

Now it's time to talk about the one wall's rules.
To begin, we will talk about the dimensions of the court. One wall is a sport with some specific characteristics and the dimensions of the court for official matches are:

  • "Frontis" : 6,10m (Wide) and 4,90m (High)
  • Ground of the court: 6,10m (Wide) and 10,6m (Long)
  • The service line: It will be at 4,9m from the "Frontis" and the game area will be between the "Frontis" and the bottom line of the court.

On the other hand, let's talk now about the rules of the game:

  1. It is drawn at the start of each game and when team loses the point, the opposing team will execute the serve.
  2. If the match is in pairs, when a pairs recovers the serve, the teammate who didn't execute the serve the last time, will be in charge of executing the serve now.
  3. Before serving the ball, this it has to bounce once on the ground and when bounces of the wall it has to pass the serve's line because if doesn't, it is considered lack of service. Conversely, if the serve is good, the other time has to hit the ball once it has bounced and if it doesn't, it will be lose the point.

  1. The matches are played in two sets of 21 points each. If there is a tie to sets, a third set will be played at 11 points and again the serve will be drawn.

  1. The ball bounces twice on the ground before hitting.
  2. The ball doesn't hit the frontis.
  3. The ball bounces off of the court.
  4. The ball hits the part of the body of a player other than the hand.
  5. The player fails to hit the ball.

Well. For now these have been some small rules about One Wall but with wich you can start to play correctly. Soon we will post more information about other aspects related to this sport so fun. 

I hope you like it and see you in the next post!

Don't forget to comment if you want us post something about a specific topic.

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